Take a moment to introduce yourself (to me mainly) including your name and the grade level, content focus, and/or specialization that you teach. Share how you currently teach science and what strategies and opportunities you have to integrate science into your ELA instruction. Give specific examples if you have them. Feel free to raise concerns or questions. Finally, what are your expectations and needs at this moment in order to feel more confident with this practice and how best would you like to use our time today?
Use this space to reflect on our time together. What are some of your takeaways? What are you still left feeling like you would like support with? How could this session be improved? Any other feedback is always helpful and appreciated. Thank you.
Take a moment to introduce yourself (to me mainly) including your name and the grade level, content focus, and/or specialization that you teach. Share how you currently teach science and what strategies and opportunities you have to integrate science into your ELA instruction. Give specific examples if you have them. Feel free to raise concerns or questions. Finally, what are your expectations and needs at this moment in order to feel more confident with this practice and how best would you like to use our time today?
AuthorsWe will cogenerate ideas here about how we currently integrate science into ELA, and where we see potential for more targeted integration. ArchivesCategories |